An ASEAN Aircraft Livery Is Born
To celebrate 50 years of ASEAN, we have launched the AirAsia Loves Asean campaign at the Philippine Air Force Headquarters at Villamor Air Base in Metro Manila, the Philippines. A series of initiatives focused on education, talent development and the economy has been also been developed for ASEAN for this campaign. At the launch, we also unveiled the “I Love Asean” aircraft livery. The design created by our Brand Team showcases patterns inspired by textiles, architecture, art and nature from all 10 ASEAN nations: batik cetak from Malaysia, poom khao bin from Thailand, ulos Batak from Indonesia, tapis from the Philippines, trống đồng from Vietnam, kbach pka Chan from Cambodia, Lao phouthai from Laos, chate from Myanmar, jongsarat Brunei from Brunei, and the Vanda Miss Joaquim orchid from Singapore.
ASEAN textiles
To show our support for ASEAN, all AirAsia aircraft based in the region will now also feature the ASEAN flag, in addition to their national flags. How cool is that!
I "heart" ASEAN
From all of us at AirAsia, this is our tribute to a united ASEAN. We are all different but we are the same at heart! One ASEAN, One People.