Posts in Ikhlas and Halo Telco launch Sahabat IKHLAS

Ikhlas Com Travel & Umrah Sdn Bhd ( and its corporate Sahabat (partner), Halo Telco join forces to launch the IKHLAS Sahabat program in efforts to help the public generate lucrative side income by selling umrah and Muslim friendly travel packages as well as Islamic lifestyle services including qurban, aqiqah, zakat and more.

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IKHLAS Qurban Musim ke-5: Misi bantu 100,000 penerima dalam dan luar negara

Berikutan peningkatan jumlah pengguna yang melaksanakan ibadah korban secara dalam talian pada setiap tahun, Ikhlas Com Travel & Umrah Sdn Bhd ( menyasarkan lebih 100,000 penerima bakal mendapat manfaat menerusi kempen IKHLAS Qurban Musim Kelima sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidiladha tahun ini.

Read More launches ‘Play & Stay’ golf packages at Golf Tournament 2023

Ikhlas Com Travel Sdn Bhd ( has launched its latest travel and lifestyle product - the Golf offering affordable yet exclusive golf packages where casual and avid golfers can enjoy premium golfing experiences at a fraction of the price.

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IKHLAS partners with Saudi Tourism Authority to inspire travellers with Saudi’s new ‘Rethink Summer’ campaign

Capital A Berhad’s Ikhlas Com Travel Sdn Bhd (IKHLAS) partners with Saudi Tourism Authority (STA) to launch ‘Rethink Summer’, a seasonal campaign aimed at promoting Saudi to the Malaysian travellers as a diverse and unique summer destination. There is something for everyone to enjoy, from the scenic mountains of Taif, the fun beaches of Jeddah, to the cloudy heights of Aseer.

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IKHLAS bekerjasama dengan Saudi Tourism Authority, beri inspirasi kepada pelancong dengan kempen ‘Rethink Summer’

Ikhlas Com Travel Sdn Bhd (IKHLAS), anak syarikat Capital A Berhad bekerjasama dengan Saudi Tourism Authority (STA) untuk melancarkan ‘Rethink Summer’, kempen bermusim yang bertujuan mempromosikan Arab Saudi kepada pelancong Malaysia sebagai destinasi musim panas yang unik dan beraneka. Terdapat pilihan yang menepati citarasa ramai, dari pergunungan Taif yang indah, pantai Jeddah yang menyeronokkan sehinggalah ke puncak awangan di Aseer. 

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