キャピタル A バハッド(以下、キャピタル A)は、4億4,300万米ドルのレベニュー債による資金調達契約を締結し、財務基盤の強化と航空事業のさらなる成長に向けて、大きな一歩を踏み出しました。
Read MoreCapital A Berhad (“Capital A”) is thrilled to announce the successful signing of a $443 million revenue bond for AirAsia, a critical step in the ongoing commitment to strengthening its financial position and accelerating growth for its airline business. This financing represents a significant milestone in AirAsia's journey to emerge stronger and more resilient following the challenges posed by the global pandemic.
Read MoreCapital A Berhad (Capital A) telah mengemukakan pekeliling Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa (EGM) kepada Bursa Malaysia, yang memperincikan cadangan pelupusan keseluruhan kepentingan ekuiti dalam AirAsia Aviation Group Limited (AAAGL) dan AirAsia Berhad (AAB) kepada AirAsia X (AAX) (Cadangan Pelupusan). Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa (EGM) ini akan diadakan dalam tempoh 21 hari dari tarikh pekeliling ini dikeluarkan untuk mendapatkan kelulusan pemegang saham terhadap Cadangan Pelupusan.
Read MoreCapital A Berhad (Capital A) has submitted its Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) circular to Bursa Malaysia, that details the proposed disposals of its entire equity interest in AirAsia Aviation Group Limited (AAAGL) and AirAsia Berhad (AAB) to AirAsia X (AAX) (Proposed Disposals). An EGM for shareholders to approve the Proposed Disposals will be convened in 21 days from the date of the issuance of the circular at a later date.
Read More아시아 최대 저비용항공사(LCC) 에어아시아와 모회사인 캐피털 A가 회계 연도 2024년 2분기(2Q24)의 실적을 발표했다. 영업 통계에 따르면 에어아시아는 올 상반기에만 3,000만 명 이상의 승객을 수송하며 승객 증가율이 좌석 증가율을 상회하는 준수한 성적표를 거뒀다.
Read MoreCapital A Berhad (“Capital A”) has announced the operating statistics for its aviation, digital, logistics and aviation services segments for the Second Quarter of the Financial Year 2024 (“2Q2024”).
Read More召集该地区所有有抱负的游戏创作者!由亚航游戏中心 RedGames 主办的 RedGames Jam 将于 2024 年史诗般回归,今年的活动规模比以往更大、更精彩、更激动人心!马上在您的日历上标记 2024 年 8 月 2 日至 4 日,届时位于马来西亚武吉加里尔校区的APU将化为战场,携手举办一场令人难忘的 48 小时游戏开发马拉松。
Read MoreCalling all aspiring game creators in the region! The legendary RedGames Jam, hosted by AirAsia's gaming hub RedGames, is back for its epic return in 2024, and this year, it is gearing up to be bigger, better, and more exciting than ever before! Mark your calendars for 2 to 4 August 2024 – that is when APU's Bukit Jalil Campus in Malaysia transforms into ground zero for an unforgettable 48-hour game development marathon.
Read Moreairasia academy, usahasama edtech digital Capital A, melangkah ke hadapan dengan penjenamaan semula sebagai Outclass, platform pengalaman pembelajaran generasi akan datang yang direka untuk memperkasakan individu untuk berkembang maju dalam landskap tenaga kerja yang dinamik hari ini. Outclass membina legasi airasia academy dalam merapatkan jurang kemahiran teknologi, kini menawarkan pengalaman pembelajaran yang diperibadikan untuk memperkasakan pengguna mencapai aspirasi kerjaya mereka.
Read Moreairasia academy, the digital edtech venture of Capital A, takes a bold step forward to be rebranded as Outclass, a next-generation learning experience platform designed to empower individuals to thrive in today’s dynamic workforce landscape. Outclass builds upon the legacy of airasia academy in bridging tech skills gap, now offering a personalised learning experience to empower users to achieve their career aspirations.
Read MoreCapital A Berhad (“Capital A” or the “Group”) today reported its unaudited financial results for the quarter ended 31 March 2024 (“1Q2024”).
Read More아시아 최대 저비용항공사(LCC) 에어아시아 그룹이 호주의 항공ˑ여행 전문 매체 ‘에어라인레이팅(airlineratings.com)’이 선정하는 ‘2024 에어라인 엑설런스 어워즈(Airline Excellence Awards)’에서 ‘올해의 아시아 최고 저비용항공사(TOP Low-Cost Carrier in Asia)’ 부문을 수상했다. 에어라인레이팅의 편집장 제프리 토마스(Geoffrey Thomas)는 “에어아시아 그룹의 항공사들은 약 8억 명에 달하는 승객에게 합리적인 가격을 제시함으로써 아ˑ태 지역의 다양한 목적지를 여행하는 데 일조했다”며 이번 수상을 축하했다.
Read More아시아 최대 저비용항공사 에어아시아의 모회사인 캐피털 A가 최근 2023년 지속가능성 보고서를 공개했다. 캐피털 A는 이번 보고서를 통해 최근 항공 산업 회복에 따른 연료 사용 및 탄소 배출과 연관한 효율성이 팬데믹 이전 수준으로 회복되면서, 이에 따라 괄목할 만한 효율성 향상을 달성했다고 밝혔다.
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