
Photo Caption (Third from left to right) : Alisports Founder & CEO Zhang Dazhong, AirAsia Group Berhad Executive Chairman & AirAsia X Group CEO Datuk Kamarudin Meranun and Chairman of Agri Mind Sdn Bhd Calvin Lau at the launch of AirAsia and…

Photo Caption (Third from left to right) : Alisports Founder & CEO Zhang Dazhong, AirAsia Group Berhad Executive Chairman & AirAsia X Group CEO Datuk Kamarudin Meranun and Chairman of Agri Mind Sdn Bhd Calvin Lau at the launch of AirAsia and Alisports bring the World Electronic Sports Games to Asean event at AirAsia RedQ.

雪邦,2018年6月29日讯 – 亚航成为世界电子竞技运动会(World Electronic Sports Games 简称WESG)东盟区的官方航空伙伴。WESG是由阿里巴巴集团旗下的阿里体育打造的一项世界级赛会制电竞赛事。

与Agri Mind有限公司签署为期三年的赞助协议包括航班、媒体价值、现金奖励等。这项合作是该航空公司致力在东盟区域挖掘人才的倡议,也是将业务数码化的其中一份努力。


亚航集团有限公司执行主席兼亚航长程集团首席执行员拿督Kamarudin Meranum说:“对电子竞技运动爱好者而言,东盟是全球发展最快的区域之一,粉丝人数达930万人,预计粉丝人数至2019年每年将增长36.1%[1]。作为一家创新的数码化公司,我们很高兴能成为冠名赞助,并通过支持东盟顶级专业电子竞技选手参加全球赛事而为电子竞技运动做出贡献。我们也相信这项赞助将使我们领先于在东盟区扩张电子竞技运动。”

亚航Allstars员工电子竞技俱乐部主席Allan Phang说:“这项合作体现了我们支持电子竞技运动的承诺。亚航在1月以Mineski Pro团队的特别赞助及独家航空伙伴进军了电子竞技运动界。两个月后,亚航收购了Saiyan团队的多数股权,该团队现在更名为AirAsia Saiyan,是顶级的职业电子竞技团队之一。今天,我们很荣幸能将WESG带入东盟以支持当地的电子竞技人才。”

Agri Mind有限公司主席Calvin Lau说:“Agri Mind非常高兴能与阿里体育及亚航这两个充满活力的团队合作将WESG打造为东盟区域最顶级的电子竞技赛事。通过支持基层社会发展的电子竞技活动,我们旨在培育下一代的世界级选手,让他们具备技能、坚韧性及职业道德以应付世界级的挑战。”

阿里体育创办人及首席执行员Zhang Dazhong说:“WESG在过去两年得到了各方关注和支持。非常荣幸,刚刚开启的2018-19赛季又迎来了像亚航这样的重量级合作伙伴。亚航与传统体育历来有深厚渊源,如今这位在体育行业的商业巨头进入到电子竞技领域,来支持我们的WESG,这令我们对即将开始的东南亚赛区的比赛充满期待。”



*来源:Newzoo 2015 Report, Introduction to the South East Asian Games Market


About World Electronic Sports Games (WESG)

World Electronic Sports Games (WESG) was established in 2016 as an international esports championship tournament by Alisports. WESG currently possesses the highest winning prize of any third-party tournament, and the competition differs greatly from that of other commercial tournaments with WESG focusing on following the Olympic standard, emphasizing on national pride, and encouraging fans to partake in the competition. Players are selected from local and regional competitions to compete at the highest esports stage against other top-tier professional esports gamers.

About Alisports

Alisports Group, founded in 2015 by the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, integrates e-commerce, media, home entertainment, cloud computing and other Internet-enabled technologies to form a sports platform. Alisports leverages Alibaba Group's vast e-commerce ecosystem, media resources and deep experience to create value for sports industry participants and enhances consumers and sports fans' engagement with teams and brands.

About Agri Mind Sdn Bhd

Founded in October 2008, Agri Mind Sdn Bhd is a growing company that aims to continuously expand its global network through high value-added services, such as information technology systems, marketing strategies and event managements. We are experts in cybercafé systems, from basic - centralized, ticketing, payment systems to well-developed structures, we offer made- to-order systems to meet the needs of different clients.

We have been in the industry for a decade and we have strong experience in organizing and managing events, conferences, launches, roadshows, annual dinners and more. We form connections, partnership, and collaborations, creating new value for clients and projects we work with. Recently, we teamed up with World Electronic Sports Games (WESG) and Alisports as strategic partner, to support the e-Sport industry in Southeast Asia.