Asia Digital Engineering 完成了Inmarsat GX航空Inflight宽带解决方案的首次安装
Asia Digital Engineering(ADE)旨在从亚航集团的航空开始,成为东南亚商业航空公司首选的GX Aviation安装合作伙伴
![图片说明:Asia Digital Engineering团队安装其首个 Inmarsat 屡获殊荣的 GX Aviation 机上载宽带解决方案](
![图片说明:Asia Digital Engineering团队安装其首个 Inmarsat 屡获殊荣的 GX Aviation 机上载宽带解决方案](
![图片说明:Asia Digital Engineering团队安装其首个 Inmarsat 屡获殊荣的 GX Aviation 机上载宽带解决方案](
雪邦,2021年11月25日 - 全球移动卫星通信领域的全球领导者Inmarsat今天宣布,Asia Digital Engineering(ADE)首次安装了其获奖的GX Aviation 机上宽带解决方案,该公司是亚航集团子公司,也是东南亚工程服务的领先提供商。
这项安装是在AirAsia Airbus A320飞机上完成的,标志着ADE从AirAsia集团开始,有望成为东南亚所有航空公司首选的GXAviation安装合作伙伴。ADE的目标是为想要运营全连接舰队的航空公司建立一站式商店,将其在端到端工程和维护,维修和维修(MRO)方面的丰富专业知识与Inmarsat市场领先的连接解决方案相结合。
Inmarsat航空公司全球销售副总裁Chris Rogerson表示:“AirAsia Group是亚太地区GXAviation机上宽带解决方案的最大客户,也是我们世界上最大的客户之一。我们的合作伙伴关系非常成功,基于对数字化和数字化令人兴奋的机会的共同热情。连通性为乘客和航空业提供服务特别是当航空公司从大流行中恢复过来时,我们很高兴现在为航空公司和该地区的其他航空公司合作安装GX Aviation设施,汇集Inmarsat,ADE和其他航空公司的综合经验和专业知识。”
Asia Digital Engineering首席执行官Mahesh Kumar说:“自从去年疫情期间启动我们的服务以来,ADE取得了重大进展。我们对我们第一批GX Aviation安装的成功感到高兴,并期待继续在航空集团舰队上推出,并为其他航空公司带来世界一流的工程和MRO专业知识。通过工作与Inmarsat等合作伙伴一起,我们正在将ADE建立成为提供高质量和最佳价值服务的市场领导者,重点是使用最新技术来提高生产力和效率。”
About Asia Digital Engineering
Founded in 2020, ADE is a wholly owned subsidiary of AirAsia Group based in Klia2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ADE is a cast from AirAsia’s Engineering Department best practices and experience. ADE offers a broad spectrum of aircraft services such as line maintenance, base maintenance, component repair and overhaul, warehouse management, technical and design organisation services along with digitally driven engineering solutions and engineering support services. With vast experience in airline engineering managing the world’s best low-cost airlines, ADE aims to deliver the best value and customer experience by providing the highest standard of professional services in quality, reliability and safety.
About Inmarsat
Inmarsat is the world leader in global, mobile satellite communications. It owns and operates the world’s most diverse global portfolio of mobile telecommunications satellite networks, and holds a multi-layered, global spectrum portfolio, covering L-band, Ka-band and S-band, enabling unparalleled breadth and diversity in the solutions it provides. Inmarsat’s long-established global distribution network includes not only the world’s leading channel partners but also its own strong direct retail capabilities, enabling end to end customer service assurance.
The company has an unrivalled track record of operating the world’s most reliable global mobile satellite telecommunications networks, sustaining business and mission critical safety & operational applications for more than 40 years. It is also a major driving force behind technological innovation in mobile satellite communications, sustaining its leadership through a substantial investment and a powerful network of technology and manufacturing partners.
Inmarsat operates across a diversified portfolio of sectors with the financial resources to fund its business strategy and holds leading positions in the Maritime, Government, Aviation and Enterprise satcoms markets, operating consistently as a trusted, responsive and high-quality partner to its customers across the globe.
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