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AirAsia Academy partners with Youth NGO to provide education platform for marginalised children in KL

  • Aimed at democratising learning with easy and accessible online learning tool

  • Helping improve education gap widened by Covid-19 pandemic

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 March 2022 - AirAsia Academy, a RedBeat Capital’s education arm under Capital A, has announced it is partnering with Yayasan Chow Kit, a non-profit organisation that caters to the needs of children and youths in and around Chow Kit in Kuala Lumpur. Under the partnership, AirAsia Academy will provide a learning platform that supports video learning, automated assessment, electronic books and other learning tools for students in need.

AirAsia Academy Chief Executive Officer, Aireen Omar said: “We are very pleased to launch this partnership with Yayasan Chow Kit to help underprivileged children and teenagers in our society, as the global pandemic has again highlighted the inequality of access to free and equal education for children in Malaysia. By offering our online platform, which is easy and convenient for students to use, and saves time and resources for these educational institutions, we want to level the playing field; democratise learning and enhance accessibility, which is at the heart of everything we do at AirAsia Academy and Capital A.”

The platform offers features that help educators to monitor and analyse students’ progress from the subject they choose up to course completion, including highlights such as User learning behaviour and performance, Course activity data, User performance profiling. The Academy will help ensure that children and youths from all backgrounds progress at their own pace while encouraging course completion by allowing comprehensive communication among students and instructors.

Child activist and Co-founder Yayasan Chow kit, Dato Dr. Hartini  Zainudin said, “Access to free and equal education is not a given for all children living in Malaysia, which has been further highlighted by the pandemic. Youth unemployability is also very high, and educators and those working at Yayasan Chow Kit realise the importance of creating alternative tracks for children to thrive and complete their secondary education. Through partnership with AirAsia Academy, our alternative education  program children and youths can fine tune the curriculum to include activities, learning and reference materials from Jom Tuisyen app and training programs to equip students with foundational knowledge, skills and competencies for post-secondary education, work, and livelihood skills. In the future, we want to create internships or job opportunities through our collaboration with AirAsia Academy.”

Beyond just providing cutting edge learning management system capabilities, the AirAsia Academy platform also comes with extensive on-demand content for learners. A student is able to learn about programming, SEO and leadership while following their regular school studies. Schools can benefit from valuable insights into all their students' data, learning behavior and performance: Course intake and completions, learning activities, students' pain points, assessment performance as well.

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AirAsia Academy

AirAsia Academy is a one-stop tech, leadership and innovation academy aimed at supercharging the digital economy within the ASEAN region.Together with Google Cloud, AirAsia Academy is disrupting the conventional education space by bridging the gap between Tertiary Education and Advanced Industries within the ASEAN region.

We fill in the vacuum that has existed in the past decades by upskilling and reskilling the workforce with what’s relevant in the industry today, making our students highly employable, at the same time equipping them with skill sets required for the modern era.